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fill in the blank(s):

1. A type of question or phrase with one or more words replaced with a blank line, giving the reader the chance to add the missing word(s). 

Photography has always been the way I express myself, recreate feelings and tell stories through everything I see, what I feel, and my need to share it as a way of introspection.


For a long time it felt like an escape, now I want to share it to inspire everyone to follow their own dreams. This is how feeling the blanks was born, it is all about those empty spaces in our souls, and filling them with our deepest aspirations.


Feeling the blanks is a cozy place, where powerful emotions will always be welcome, because in order to fill in the blanks, you have to feel them first. 

La fotografía siempre ha sido una forma de expresarme, de recrear sentimientos y de contar historias a través de lo que veo, lo que siento y mi necesidad de compartirlo con los demás como forma de introspección. 


Por un tiempo lo usé como un escape, ahora quiero compartirlo para inspirar a otras personas a perseguir sus sueños. Así es como nace feeling the blanks, se trata de todos aquellos espacios en blanco dentro de nuestra alma y buscar llenarlos con nuestras aspiraciones más profundas. .


Feeling the blanks es un espacio acogedor, donde las emociones más poderosas siempre serán bienvenidas, ya que para llenar los espacios en blanco, primero hay que sentirlos. 

Maria Fernanda shared a sketch with you

Fernanda Pacheco is a twenty-eight-year-old photographer based in Mexico City.

Her passion for food and traveling led her to discover photography as a hobby and a form of self expression ten years ago.

Through her work, she has grown into a storyteller and seeks to inspire people to follow their dreams while she captures and shares her adventures everywhere she goes. 


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